Each one of us can make a difference

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters…”

Colossians 3:23

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“I tell people all the time, I do what I do for Jesus.”

— Myriam Holly, Founder

Our Mission

To feed the hungry royally and ignite their souls with
the word of God!

Homelessness has become a silent epidemic in America. Today, more people find themselves without enough food to sustain themselves. We remain prayerful that our deeds are recognized for what they are: a sincere attempt to make a positive contribution towards the greater societal good.

His Caring Hands presently feeds over 150 hot meals, twice a week and we hope to extend the number of days we feed to meet the increasing need of the Fort Lauderdale and Hollywood communities. Our vision is to have the use of a commercial kitchen and, in the future, acquire a building to add services beyond serving meals.

We need your financial support to increase the number of meals served each week and meet the growing demand but we cannot accomplish this without your financial support. Currently, we operate out of a two bedroom apartment and need a commercial kitchen and more space to increase the capacity of the ministry.

Would you step in to help make a difference by making a one-time or recurring donation to help us reach this goal? Click below to make a difference!